eFile – digital personal archive

Elegant, digital and compliant personal records

Zalaris eFile is a comprehensive SAP HCM solution for digital personnel document management which is available in Zalaris HR Portal (Desktop & Mobile) and SuccessFactors. Zalaris eFile is employee level-based solution and is designed for easy employee, manager and HR Admin collaboration. Users can perform all accessing, uploading and maintaining activities of personnel documentation via the user friendly and mobile platforms. Normally when transforming HR to the cloud only one-year history of personal records are migrated while the rest remain in some archive. eFile close that gap.

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Digitizing all personal records

In employment world, proper and structured personnel document management and archive process is one of the preconditions for transparent and cooperation-oriented employer and employee relationship. Furthermore, having such system in place considerably saves company’s most valuable resources – time and money. Clever, compliant yet easy to use personnel document management system is a must have for modern HR department and happy employees.

What is eFile?

Zalaris eFile embodies all modern digital personnel document archive traits and with the combination of the powerful SAP HCM performance and Zalaris user-friendly interface it has claimed to be an essential part of organization’s document management and archiving process.

With the strict document access and authorization management, activity logging, and document deletion policies Zalaris eFile is also the key tool to ensure compliance to local and global data protection regulation ensuring safe and transparent document management between employees and HR Administration.

Zalaris eFile is a comprehensive SAP HCM solution for digital personnel document management which is available in Zalaris HR Portal (Desktop & Mobile) and SuccessFactors. Zalaris eFile is employee level-based solution and is designed for easy employee, manager and HR Admin collaboration. Users can perform all accessing, uploading and maintaining activities of personnel documentation via the user friendly and mobile platforms. It consists of multiple applications each dedicated to different purpose and user group.

  • My eFile – basic functionality for employees to view the documents which have been archived on their eFile.
  • My Team’s eFile – basic functionality for managers to view and upload document on behalf of their employees.
  • eFile Workspace– centralized uploaded/submitted document administration for HR administrators.
  • eFile Archive Administration – advanced archive functionality for HR administrators.
  • eFile Recycle Bin – overview and basic functionalities for documents which are approaching pre-defined document deletion date.
  • eFile Reporting – tool to retrieve comprehensive document property reports ensuring full overview and transparency of the archived documents.

Getting started

Besides your company’s current document archiving process pre-study, there are two main technical prerequisites which you should know about before considering Zalaris eFile as your new addition to the company’s digital ecosystem. First of all, as Zalaris eFile is SAP HCM based solution therefore SAP is the system where your employees’ master data should be stored. Secondly, to be able to access and use eFile by everyone in the organization with the mobile interface (not through SAP GUI) you need Zalaris HR Portal or SAP SuccessFactors. If both requirements are in the place, the next step is to contact Zalaris, choose which Zalaris eFile package you would like to implement and start the process. On top of the eFile implementation and upon request Zalaris is fully capable to support you with the migration and conversion of your existing active personnel documents into the eFile.

The business case for ROI in 12 months

Exact ROI for implementation of digital document management system varies based on multiple factors such as the current archiving and document handling processes (document format, retrieval, access management etc.), the current labor costs associated with document archiving, document management material and storage costs and others. Some of the obvious monetary gains from implementing digital personnel file will come from the following immediate improvements:

  • Based on multiple research and surveys the average amount of time which people spend on searching for information, documents, and files vary between 30%-50%. How about if these hours were devoted to more strategic tasks which raise your company’s competitiveness? Furthermore, Zalaris eFile is seamlessly integrated in the company’s SAP HCM accessible through Zalaris HR Portal and SuccessFactors ensuring no need for yet another platforms integration in company’s IT eco-system.
  • If company archives personnel documents in physical (paper) format, this requires having cabinets/shelfs. Approximate size for one 4-drawer cabinet is 1m2. Depending on how many employee documents are archived physically – implementing digital document archive can free a noticeable office space making it available for other purposes.
  • Eliminate the risk of breaching any local or global data protection regulations. This may not be a financial expense on everyday basis but breaching a regulation even once can accrue costs exceeding 2-4% of company’s global annual turnover.
  • Having documents archived electronically on individual employee’s file with monitored access to these documents by managers and employees eliminates or minimizes the need for generating hard copies of the documents saving time and money on printing and paper costs.


Zalaris recommendation for eFile

Can anyone really afford to not implement a digital personnel document archive that is fully GDPR compliant? Besides all monetary benefits related to cost reductions from manual effort to search and retrieve, reduced allocated cost for storage space, quality benefits and cost avoidance from slow processes, there are multiple non-financial ones or “soft benefits” to which no comprehensive ROI calculation tools can be applied. The potential for producing positive impacts on employee satisfaction and business performance are undeniable. For HR to have the information at their fingertips, as expected, when approached by the individual, is a compelling employee experience itself.