
Is a review of current health related processes, practices and instructions at your organization. By using actual data, by understanding of current IT environment and policies, Aino provides the organization with analysis and recommend actions as well as ROI estimations.

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Partner cloud solution / cloud service description

Overall value

HealthAudit Is a review of current health related processes, practices and instructions at your organization.
Aino performs a review of

  • allocation of occupational health related costs and their effectivity
  • review of the current stage of corporate health management
  • review of workability related financial risks on the work community level
  • review of possible health and work ability related leaks

Actual data

The audit is initiated by analysing the processes and IT environment supporting absences. Typically 2 years of data is transferred and checked for accuracy. Analysis is performed by professional analysts with many years of experience in the Health Management area.

Business case

Aino has 20 years experience analysing and comparing companies to best practices. As part of the Audit you will be provided with a report stating not only findings and recommendations but also expected cost reductions compared to implementation cost – Return on Investment calculation.


Analysis is performed utilizing the competence and overall knowledge of HR but also interviewing IT, Managers and employees to understand how the processes are set up and how they are actually working. The data transfer, interviews and analysis is typically performed during four weeks with little constraint on each individual.


The analysis is ended with a workshop with you and your management delivering:

  • Review with top management – Executive Summary
  • Key findings and recommendations
  • Road map for suggested next step
  • Target setting
  • Support – training, change management and communications support – dependent on outcome of MT review
  •  Clear end-results, including ROI estimation

Zalaris recommendation for HealthAudit

How each employer approach well being is a major moment of truth across the employee experience path. HelathAudit is a service complement - or a pilot before - to deploy HealthManager; the solution to act on findings or assumptions related to sick leave insight. HealthAudit is a structured approach of services leading to informed actions based balancing as is versus target and other perceived risks in the organisation. One major benefit from this, beyond reduced absence, increased higher productivity and lower total workforce compensation cost, is that it makes also empower the agenda for inclusiveness and equal opportunity which is a top HR priority. Sick leave, disconnect, disengagement and unexpected voluntary attrition from critical talents represent the flip side of inclusiveness, clarity, focus, good leadership leading to engagement and overall productivity, which is a top business priority. Zalaris want all our clients to master the sick leave / retention KPI for the simple reason that we have so many years of data related to it. The business case is compelling. The benefits are human. It's so easy to get started.